How to lose weight in 3 days without diet and tablets

There are categories of women, who just abhor having to resort to diets to lose weight quickly. Yes, and they do not provide a sustainable and long-term effects. Usually discarded pounds come back and lead the "friends".

The same dietary restrictions negatively appear on the state of internal organs, hormonal system, metabolism. Therefore, to solve the problem, how to lose weight quickly, throw the thought of severe dietary restrictions.

the change of body to lose weight

The second end, who like lazy ladies, this is "miraculous," the pill, which would allow without effort to lose weight. In making such a choice, don't forget: the smallest effect, which will reach drugs of this type, it is the cleaning of the intestine, and the reduction of the edema, because they are a diuretic.

At worst, it will achieve serious violations of the nervous system and the functioning of the digestive system. Then how to lose weight at home, without having recourse to the above-described extreme? The answer is simple — a good diet. A lot skeptical about it include, but in no time I did not follow the principles of nutrition. Therefore, at least for the experience look at the basic recommendations. You will see how you can lose weight, do not submerge the body does not poison him. Most are surprised how quickly change body and appearance. Remember that the is to lose weight to 90% depending on the diet and only 10% of the year.

Therefore, do not neglect in the box of the long dream: a slim body and implement the 10 rules of a healthy diet in the life:

  • Forget the sugar and the sweets, cakes and desserts, although already because these products is not only to give of the excess weight, and have a negative impact on the condition of the skin. If you want to buy a perfect complexion, get rid of the rash, reduce the secretion of sebum, and then put on everything that contains sugar, taboos.
  • Do not use carbonated beverages, even if it is a mineral water. Carbon dioxide damages the lining of the stomach, stimulates, because of what happens to the rejection of the gastric juice, and begins a process called the expression "sucks in the stomach". Even if you just eat it, but drank of the sparkling water, after a few minutes, feel the hunger.
  • Drink plain water of room temperature is not less than 1.8 litres per day. The amount of beverage lead to the horror, because it seems incredibly large . But if you in the morning, drink 250 ml to fasting, he arose from his bed, and throughout the day by as much as 30 minutes before meals and at the end of a hour after that, he will not even notice fast to digest. Moreover, water is a source of life for the skin. At the end of 3 days will see how to improve the complexion. Do not drink cold water, otherwise the undigested food immediately will be in the intestine and still experience hunger.
  • Change of diet: enter more vegetables, avoiding those that are rich in starch (corn, potatoes), eat lean meat (chicken, lean cuts of beef), lean fish (hake, pollock, carp). Take into account the number of ingested and calories expended. If to think, how to lose weight quickly, then develop or use already created by the nutritionists at the map, that does not exceed the 1200 kcal.
  • Adjustable meals. This aspect requires an individual approach, someone needs to eat five times a day, and someone enough and three times. Therefore, spread your meals over several meals, but also to consume approximately the same number of calories. If you're hungry, this snack, eat 10 pieces of almond pips or 3-4 pieces of prunes or dried apricots.
  • Going to build the meal: in the morning, eat more carbs (grains), and with the breakfast foods that are rich in protein. 3 hours before bedtime't forget the food.
  • Change the way in which the preparation of the dishes. Forget the fried dishes. Pass on the grilled, steamed or cooked.
  • We enter into the diet of dairy products, and it is yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, serum.
  • Eat a dinner salad with sprouts, fresh beets and carrots. With him goes perfectly well with chicken, lean meat or ricotta cheese. It will help to establish digestion.

Of course, it is necessary to forget the restoration. If you can't stand sweets, and then cut the apple into slices, sprinkle with cinnamon and add a teaspoon of honey. Put it in a container and wear with a. As just want to cheer up chocolate, take an apple.

How to lose weight quickly: exercises

As if frustrating for some ladies as it may seem, but with no increase in the activity of losing weight is impossible. It is important to do it correctly and not overdo it.

The essence of the exercise is not to lose calories, and strengthen muscles, to make it more elastic on the places that have faded. The same gymnastics stimulates the production of the hormone of pleasure. It stimulates the metabolism and improves the mood. Therefore, taking into account the fact that the purpose of the class is not the olympic records and in a good mood and toned body, do it every day this kind of exercises:

    exercise to lose weight
  • Walk. Walking is a good way for weight loss. A brisk walk for 30 minutes less than 250 kcal. Change your day: you get out of work 20 minutes earlier and walking, or you get out two stops early and you overcome the remaining distance. Nordic walking (with sticks) will give you the best results: for the time of such exercise, and get rid of 500 kcal.
  • Dance. Learn something of the dance movements: the stations of the east or of Latin american dance, ballroom or sports. The main thing — the passion and the perseverance. The pilates or the yoga. The complex pilates is an excellent way to tighten the muscles. Simple exercises can help you feel each and every bouquet and broken or a muscle. In yoga and pilates, all exercises are designed in such a way that work all the muscles of the body at the same time. Therefore, the effect is rapid and dramatic.
  • Belt and some exercises at the bar. Lift your body on the hands and feet. Hold for 30 seconds in this position. Keep the spine, the pelvis is on the same line. Keep yourself on your elbows and for a further 30 seconds. Do 10 passages with elbows smooth on the hands and back. Get on your knees and relax 20 seconds. Repeat these exercises 2 times.
  • The Exercise "Climber". Standing in the bar, make it a habit we have six feet, imitating the horse races in the mountains. This exercise follow the 2 sets of 10 times.
  • Jump. From a standing position, sit down, put your fingers on the sex, mighty jump. Repeat this exercise 3 sets of 10 times.
  • Squats. Sit down 30 times, so that the line of the knee didn't go out for socks stop.
  • An exercise of the "little book" for the press. Lie on the floor, lift both the trunk and bent knees feet. The effect happens if you do 3 sets of 10 times for beginners, for those who have a good physical preparation, — 30 times.
  • Do walk the hands. Get to the bar and slowly lower yourself to floor by bending arms. Slower made effectively. Try to do 10 times. Turn your back on a chair, lean on your hands so that the body turned out to be raised above the ground. Bend your hands at least 10 times.
  • Exercise for the waist. Adjust the settings of the front bent at the knee of the leg, the second one is also fold. Lay his head to the hand and do turns and slopes to the knee, trying to put the hand on him. Perform 3 sets of 15 times.

Choose exercises or complex, in its sole discretion, focusing on his physical preparation and state of health.

If there are back problems, avoid exercises of force, you should limit yourself to swimming and walking. If you have any problems with the cardiovascular system, enjoy a yoga class.

Baking soda for weight loss in the house

On many of the online resources published information indicating that the baking soda for weight loss — a great alternative to strenuous exercise. As it gives a great effect for a small period of time of application. Only here, how to apply them to the inside or the outside, a matter of discussion.

Some experts recommend taking it with fruit juice, beverages, or dissolving it in lukewarm water and drink. But these means seem dangerous, because the soda, once in the stomach, neutralizing the gastric juices. This will reduce the feeling of hunger, but can damage the lining of the stomach and cause a deterioration of the general state of health.

bath with a

Therefore, we will understand how to lose weight with the help of baking soda. This substance has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin: purifies, improves the metabolism and has an anti-cellulite. It is therefore advisable to apply it to the outside.

If you want to lose weight quickly, use the soda slimming as additives in the bath procedures. Take a bath with soda solution. To do this:

  1. Mix 300 g of caustic soda with 500 g of sea salt. Add in the warm water.
  2. Take a bath with this solution for 30 minutes.
  3. RUB well with a towel, making massage movements on the problem areas. Use a cream anti-cellulite, to enhance the effect.

Use all of these methods, in an integrated manner, and at the end of 3 days in the mirror will see to day a woman with an excellent figure, skin and good mood.

If you follow the rules of good nutrition and perform with pleasure the different physical activities, and receive pleasure from it, then to drop the weight in no time.